So the allegation that there simply isn’t voter fraud and hence no need whatsoever for laws pertaining to voter ID is sooooo disproven by this exclusive video obtained from Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe by SOTR. Pretty damning stuff. In fact, I’m pretty sure that some laws are admitted to being broken here:
Reporter: Do you know two people … Can you give me two names to help us with that? Two names of people who are fervent, who maybe I can trust?
Moran: I don’t know. It’s going to be tough. It’s going to be tough with the … you got to stuff that card.
Reporter: Okay. He actually double voted in 2008 and got away with it.
Moran: Did he?
Reporter: Yeah.
Moran: (Laughs) So it’s going to be with the new voter ID laws as well…
Reporter: He’s got a few in D.C. He’s got some in Maryland as well.
Moran: And I imagine he’ll be using…
Reporter: You and me.
Moran: Yeah. But like utility bills or something like that. He’ll need bills. He’ll need something with the name and their address on it.
Reporter: He’s telling me if they’re going to be hesitant to enforce it. He’s telling me it’s a law but there’s law and then there’s enforcement.
Moran: And there will be a lot of voter protection. So if they just have the utility bill or a statement (inaud.) will obviously be tough … but they can fake a utility bill with ease.
Reporter: How would you do that?
Moran: I mean I would just buy (inaud.)
Reporter: Microsoft Word and type it up.
Moran: Yeah, something like that. I don’t know, but that’s tough man. I mean, like … I feel like all the energy that you’re going to be putting into this, I think it would be much better suited finding out with just the in place GOTB (ph.) stuff, because all that stuff you’re kind of getting people that haven’t voted in a long time and that energy that you’d be putting in in trying to like ensure that it went through without a hitch and the risk to your name, I feel like plug it in and going to some underperforming districts.
There’s a push down in Mount Vernon and like Prince William and places like that where OFA is trying to get it going, but they, you know, it’s largely minority population, people that just haven’t been plugged in and people that have been plugged in like Republican districts and they’re just not enthused.
And he straight up says “you’ll have to forge” a utility bill in order to comply with the new voter ID laws. From page 9-10:
Reporter: If we get some people to help us. We won’t have to go, maybe someone else will and we’ll scale up elsewhere. But he’s got name and address, that’s the best bet?
Moran: Well, no, you need … it has to be … look at the law.
Reporter: Okay.
M: But it has to be like a utility bill or something like that. So you have to forge it.
Then, he encourages them to pretend to be pollsters and call the people they’re planning on voting for ahead of time. From page 14:
R: Pretend to be a pollster?
M: Yeah. Do you guys plan on voting, on November 6th? And go on from there and then depending on their answer just … if they say yes, then go through and just find out if they’re Dems or what. (Noise) (Background conversations) (Walking)
R: Call first? Call them? Okay. That can get pretty awkward if they’ve already early voted, really awkward. Be ready to run.
M: (Laughs) (Background conversations) I respect your initiative.
R: I’m glad you respect it.
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