Today we discuss the amazing truth about reading scripture daily; it makes your life better!! Now we have the stats to prove it.
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  • Cut 1: The Power to Change – YouTube — If I were to ask you, what’s the one thing that you can do, that will, more than any other, help you grow in spiritual maturity, what would your answer be? Well, there’s a crowd that asked over 130,000 Christians that very same question – and the answer might surprise you.

    Invariably it’s the same so-called Christians whose Bibles are gathering dust on a shelf somewhere, whose lives are in a mess. Now that may sound a little harsh but it just happens to be true.

    A crowd called the Centre for Bible Engagement in the USA decided to do some serious research about the impacts, not surprisingly, of difference levels of Bible engagement. They wanted to know of all the things that Christians do to express their faith – prayer, giving, worship, service, going to church … all that stuff … which one most contributes to spiritual growth and maturity? A good question.

  • RESEARCH | Back to the Bible — Research plays a key role in our mission to help people grow spiritually. We work with researchers at the Center for Bible Engagement (CBE) to find out how people best connect with Scripture and what difference it makes in their lives. 

    The Center for Bible Engagement seeks to answer the question: Why do so many people own Bibles but so few read them? The CBE goes beyond simple Bible usage statistics to consider attitudes and behaviors that significantly impact spiritual growth and a person’s relationship with God. The primary goal of the CBE is to develop tools and resources that will engage people with God’s Word.