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Watch Stacy Washington Now: 05/27/24

On This Day In History:

On This Day in History in 1788 The Federalist papers [1]—a series of 85 essays on the proposed new U.S. Constitution [2] and the nature of republican government, written in 1787–88 by Alexander Hamilton [3], James Madison [4], and John Jay [5] —were published in book form. 1937 Volkswagen was founded, in 1983 rising pop star Irene Cara had a #1 pop hit with the song “Flashdance” theme.

Today’s GUESTS:

Keith Gross, author of Dirt Roads to Runways: Defending the American Dream for the Next Generation [6] joins with his thoughts on whether the democrats are secretly conspiring to replace President Biden as their candidate.

Ted Oakley, Managing Partner at Oxbow Advisors joins to discuss his latest book, “$30 Million and Broke: If You Have It, Don’t Lose It [7],  The book explores the fascinating phenomena of going from rags-to-riches and then experiencing the unfortunate turn from riches-to-rags. [7]

Tonight’s STORIES:

Pentagon admits Gaza Pier stunt is total failure [8]

Surely not another SPR oil drain after refusing to refill what was already used? Biden announces another politically motivated release of a million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve [9] 

CBS’s Brennan To Buttigieg: How Is It Possible That $7.5 Billion Investment Has Only Produced “7 Or 8” EV Charging Stations So Far? [10]

A Fun New Trend We Can All Get Into: The All Hands In Challenge [11]

What a great idea: Trendy ‘Libraries of Things’ Let You Borrow All Kinds of Stuff–Rather Than Buying it [12]

Watch HERE:

https://salemnewschannel.com/watch/stacy-washington-now-february-01-2024-65bbfc439ea3fe00018d7925 [13]

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