Tonight’s Opening Verse: Psalm 91
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. 3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. 5 You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. 9 Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge—10 no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. 12 On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. 14 “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. 15 When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
Tonight’s GUESTS:
Jennifer Sey [1], Founder & CEO of XX-XY Athletics [2], author of “Levi’s Unbuttoned [3]” & “Chalked Up [4],” joins the show to discuss her piece on “The Hims Hers Drama [5]”, and Biden’s changes to Title IX [6].
Ari Hoffman [7], Radio Host on Talk Radio 570 KVI [8], joins the show to discuss the anti-Semitism spreading on college campuses [9], and the situation at the University of Washington, in Seattle [10].
Bobby Burack [11], journalist covering media, politics, and sports at OutKick [12], joins the show to discuss the former CNN and NBC Reporter’s “haunting” dinner with Trump supporter friends [13], the 71% of adults who want Disney to ditch the LGBTQIA agenda [14], Taylor Lorenz actually making Don Lemon look smart [15], and the “millions” who streamed Angela Reese’s debut [16].
Tonight’s STORIES:
Stormy Daniels Gave ‘Disastrous’ Testimony In Trump Trial, CNN Legal Analyst Says [17]
Stormy Daniels’ ‘Credibility Issues’ Reflect a Broader Problem With Key Witnesses Against Trump [18]
Can’t Move ‘Em? Paint Over ‘Em: Contractor Has Zero Patience For Campus Protests [19]
Biden says US won’t supply weapons for Israel to attack Rafah, in warning to ally [20]
Flight attendants use security privileges to smuggle millions in drug money out of US [21]
House Passes Bill to Restore Citizenship Question to Census [22]
Roy, Lee Introduce Bill to Require Citizenship Proof to Vote [23]