Tonight’s Opening Verse: Psalm 91:1-8
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”3. For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. 5 You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.
Tonight’s GUESTS:
Gabriel Nadales [1], National Director of Our America [2], joins the show to discuss businesses bearing an unnecessary burden due to surging crime [3].
Nicole Tsai, Member of the New Federal State of China [4], joins the show to discuss the persecution of Miles Guo [5],
Bobby Burack [6], Journalist covering media, politics, and sports at OutKick [7], joins the show to discuss his latest piece, “Chiefs Kicker Photo Bombs Joe Biden with Pro-Life Pin at White House [8].”
Tonight’s STORIES:
American taxpayers are funding the illegal immigration surge at the southern border [9]
Mike Pence launches 2024 presidential bid with ‘never’ Trump message [10]
Fox News warns Tucker Carlson he’s in breach of his contract, suggests lawsuit [11]
Armenian, Muslim Immigrant Parents Clash With Antifa Over Pride Month Programming in Public Schools [12]