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VIDEO: Actress Emma Thompson Says ‘Climate Crisis’ So Serious We’ll Have to Eat Our Dogs and Cats

By Missy Crane | December 8, 2019

These climate kooks are nuts. They’re not getting the paranoid reactions from the masses that they want so they’re saying the most outlandish crazy things to try and scare people into climate submission.

Among some of the biggest alarmists are celebrities, who are bored with their pampered lives and have taken up “junk science” as a hobby.

Case in point – actress Emma Thompson is now claiming that the climate crisis is so serious that we’ll have to eat our household pets.

That’s right, Fido and Mr. Whiskers will be roasted, baked, or fried (please no BBQ) and served for dinner. Why exactly we’re all forced to eat our pets is not made clear.

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Thompson read off her doomsday statements as if it were a “weather forecast”  while attending an “Extinction Rebellion” climate event.

After we eat the family pets, Thompson claims there will be an “increased chance of warmer, wetter winters and hotter, drier summers, along with an increase of frequency and intensity of extremes.”

Yes, that’s called “weather patterns.”

“Expect crop failures, water contamination, damaged houses, and ruined lives, and we will see these persistent weather fronts continue to wreak havoc across the nation, albeit with one or two days of dry and settled weather,” she reported gloomily, while also noting a possibility of “flooding everywhere.”

You can watch her weird video below:


This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com [2] and is used by permission.

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