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If the Democrats Win on Impeachment, Do All Other GOP Presidential Candidates Lose?

By David Kamioner | December 6, 2019

The Republican Party has lost every popular vote total in presidential elections since 1992, with the exception of 2004.

If there had been a switch of less than 100,000 votes in several key states in 2016, failed Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton would be president today after winning the Electoral College.

Democrats, using the new scam of ballot harvesting [1], stole several congressional seats in Orange County, California, in 2018.

Bad news, huh?

Combine that with the current push for the impeachment of President Donald Trump [2] — and we have a Democratic Party that has the possible way and certainly the will to try to make sure no Republican ever wins the presidency again (or finishes his or her term).

Related: Trump Dares Pelosi and Dems to Impeach Him [2]

It can be said: Well, of course. It is the normal duty of a political party to try to deny the other party the presidency into perpetuity.

But until recently, this sort of thing was done by standard electoral methods at the polls.

Even in 2016, the Dems were playing by the traditional playbook, generally speaking, because they thought it would benefit them.

However, their rude shock on election night of November 2016 [3] has motivated them to seek alternate routes to power.

That’s why impeachment has been talked about since before Donald Trump took office as president.

This was never about what he’s done or not done.

This is a raw grab for power by any means.

So why have the Dems changed?

On top of the shock of 2016 [3], the Democrats now do not seem to regard Republicans and conservatives as mere political opponents. They see them as a moral blight to be politically eradicated at all costs.

Many of them seriously believe they are living under a fascist regime. Hence the term “the resistance,” redolent of the French underground resistance to Nazi rule in WWII.

How the “resistance” can freely and publicly resist, backed up by the major media, in a fascist regime is a question Dems prefer not to answer.

Sane adults understand that most fellow Americans who politically oppose them have a different opinion but do not surrender their morality or integrity by doing so.

But in this emotionally charged political environment today, there are those on both sides of the aisle who automatically equate political opposition to treason and national betrayal.

Related: Why a Brokered Democrat Convention Would Eclipse the Current Chaos [4]

The Founding Fathers, specifically President George Washington, warned about “factionalism.”

That’s why Washington often sought advice from both Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.

Both men represented different parties and factions within Washington’s own administration.

He knew they both loved their country and wanted both their points of view to augment his own. Up to the mid 1960s, our political life was in many ways bipartisan.

No more.

While today’s political scene includes very few people with the dignity, genius, and perspective of the Founders, there are those who are worthy of consideration, if not support, within the opposition. Former Sen. James Webb (D-Va.) comes to mind.

On the other side of the coin, once you see every person who disagrees with you as “the enemy” — even those who do so out of patriotically sincere motives — you lose the essence of the democratic process.

The Democrats have reached that point, in this analyst’s view. They’ve internally made the GOP and conservatives out to be not only a political opposition, but also an evil incarnate for which there’s now a moral imperative to defeat.

Related: The Big Winners and Losers in the Dems’ Impeachment Hearing Circus [5]

This gives them, in their own minds, carte blanche to do whatever it takes, no matter how unethical, to achieve their ends.

The complete sham that is the impeachment push [5] is an example of that philosophy.

If they win here — it won’t be the last instance we see of it.

Let’s hope saner heads prevail and this is not the case.

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette [6] and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette.com:
Rush Limbaugh: ‘Pelosi Invokes Her Catholicism on Everything but Abortion’ [7]
Biden Loses His Temper in Iowa, Lashes Out at Elderly Voter: ‘You’re a Damn Liar’ [8]
Why a Brokered Democratic Convention in 2020 Would Eclipse the Current Chaos [9]