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President Obama wants blacks to get more solid: so let’s get solid

In the clip, President Obama excoriates the black community for voter turnout numbers that are thus far, markedly below that achieved 6 days before the election in 2012.  He say’s we should “Get more solid.”  In return for what?  Record highs in unemployment, inner city crime and violence that is through the roof?  Or perhaps the Democrats new mantra that “refugee is the new black.”  Most black voters are saying no thanks to Obama’s whining.


Dr. Jacqueline Rivers and a group of 25 pastors wrote a letter [1] to Hillary Clinton about key issues facing the black community. The issues outlined in the letter are: Education and Employment, Justice for the Unborn, Violence, and Religious Freedom for Black America.

These faith leaders want a meeting with Hillary within the first 100 days of her presidency, which seems odd because at that point she is totally unaccountable to them for much of anything, as she will already have been elected.  Notice that they didn’t write to the president.

By ceding responsibility for these issues to Hillary this group under cut their own culpability and power to create change themselves. It’s as if they don’t realize how important their own work as ministers of the gospel actually is! This group of pastors has the ear of 69,000 congregations with multiple millions of members, yet seeks an audience with a presidential candidate to solve issues.

They seek a savior in Clinton, yet they already have one in Jesus Christ! God through his son Jesus Christ has given us the power of his name, and the ability to conquer any situation through the Holy Spirit.

Are you in a Godless situation? Show Christ: He prayed to the Father and then acted. Throughout His ministry Jesus prayed, healed, performed miracles and brought unbelievers to Christ. He never complained or sought elected men to do the work for him.

Do you want to see more babies born alive and the population grow naturally? Do you desire fewer people mired in persistent poverty? Is your passion a better education for all kids?

Is there injustice in your community? Ask God what you should do about it. Then act. Stop waiting for a president or mayor to do it. Hold the elected officials accountable with your vote, which is your job as a citizen. But any problem in front of YOU is YOURS to solve, in the power of His might.  Start solving when you see the problem. To believe is to act.

If you pastor a congregation ask God to give you their ear for the truth, then speak, and act.

In other words: Get Solid.

featured image found here [2]