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When opportunists strike #SOTR

I’m perplexed by something that is happening more often of late on social media; a firestorm of sorts wherein an individual seeking fame and notoriety takes it upon themselves to attack a female conservative hoping to gain benefit from causing their fall.

Of course that never works, as has been proven time and time again by great individuals in every area of professional life. The only thing that elevates you is your own hard work dedication and willingness to sacrifice things that matter to you to achieve your goals.

So why am I writing about it? Its pretty simple, because the person who’s been attacked is a dear friend of mine and I feel compelled to respond. The conundrum is how to reach out and club an individual over the head properly [1] with truth and facts when any level of attention would only serve to elevate that person? I’m up to it.

A few years ago when there was a change of leadership in the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition [2], Dana gathered us together at her home and we brainstormed late into the night. No animosity, just a desire to continue the successful grassroots efforts that she started. For years I’ve attended her appearances and seen her in action, correcting misconceptions pushed by the left while engaging and encouraging others to join the fight for smaller government: always creating, innovating, connecting, and leading.

So instead of sending clicks to an enemy, I’ll tell you what I’ve seen with my own eyes, blinding creativity, insatiable drive, and a willingness to sacrifice precious time with her sons and husband. I’ve sat with Dana Loesch at midnight after a long day for her speaking on panels at CPAC in Washington, at Morton’s Steak House. While she picks at a wedge salad, she’s editing stories and posting them on Breitbart. While she and her ever present husband Chris are networking and paying for the entire table’s tab, Dana’s also answering emails and compiling stories for her radio show [3] the next day. There’s no rest for those that desire to be successful.

So when I hear allegations that Dana slept her way up or somehow was lazy in her work at any point it makes me laugh. There were numerous occasions when those in her inner circle asked her to slow down because there were sparks flying, she was sick too often for our liking. But she refused and the result is the fastest ever national syndication and a nightly TV show.

As I’m writing this it occurs to me that I am concerned for naught. Don’t I always say on my show that “Whatever God has for you no man can take?”

That the “Glory of The Lord is our rear guard” and that “His eyes continually roam the earth seeking a righteous man (or woman) that he can show himself strong in”? Yes. And those aren’t my words they are from the Bible.

So I remain steadfast and loyal to the friendship and support of my friends knowing that these battles appear earthly but are truly fought on our knees in prayer.

You only take flak when you’re over the target. Keep fighting Dana.