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Utah judge weakens anti polygamy laws in ruling

Many people opposed the reality TV program Sister Wives coming to air for exactly this reason: it normalizes deviant behavior. Looks as if they may have had a point:

Via The LA Times [1]:
In a 91-page decision issued Friday, Judge Clark Waddoups effectively decriminalized polygamy in Utah, ruling that a central phrase in the state’s law forbidding cohabitation with another person violated the 1st and 14th amendments.

The ruling, which distinguishes between polygamy and bigamy, was the result of a lawsuit filed in 2011 by Kody Brown, star of the reality series “Sister Wives,” now in its fourth season on cable TV’s TLC. Brown has four “wives” — who together have 17 children — but is legally married only to his first, Meri Brown.

The biggest issue here is that man (and woman) is fundamentally flawed and full of sin. Without the law to bind people to their obligations we have anarchy. Laws based on feelings are immoral at best and consequentially damaging beyond that.

Without limits the depravity and debauchery in our futures is not only imminent but unstoppable.

Any person can live with a group of people and have sex and procreate.
This is a push to legalize plural marriage. It’s wrong and will cause harm to women and children.

It’s also on the slippery slope to legalizing pedophilia. The basis for approval on all of this is that adults have a right to act on whatever they feel and we should never be permitted to judge them for it.

I sincerely hope that those of you advocating for this lawlessness are prepared to be blamed once it reaches its nadir.