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Councilwoman calls children’s quilt racist

So. People are gonna get mad at me about this. But if I’m going to hit folks on the left and the right, I’m going to be honest about it. Being a black conservative doesn’t mean that I’m never offended, or that I don’t see racist behavior and get offended by it.

This offended me. A quilt the depicts a tiny black figure as the ignorant unenlightened before picture and a golden white figure as the intelligent learned after is offensive to a black person.

The councilwoman was too upset to handle it professionally. I do wish that she could have done a better job of containing her anger and expressed herself respectfully.

The children aren’t to blame; its the adults who should’ve corrected that incorrect depiction of blacks as a whole.

Fire away.

Via the Reagan Coalition [1]
A city councilwoman says a quilt made by a group of students should not be allowed to hang in the Martinsville City administration building.

She says the quilt is offensive to African Americans.

But the students who made it say it showcases what they learned working on a special project.

It’s a story that’s got plenty of people talking.

It was supposed to be a nice gesture from students at the Piedmont Governor’s School in Martinsville.

Each student made a quilt square.

But one representing their journey learning about the area with a black stick figure offended councilwoman Sharon Brooks-Hodge.