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Thoughts on Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. [1]
Martin Luther King, Jr. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Celebrating Martin Luther King’s legacy in light of the current state of politics in America is a sad and sobering thought.  Dr. King spoke of being an impartial objective observer of the political parties.

This would be the job of the media, and it’s obvious that they are completely unaware of the tasking. Essentially, we have no one to stand apart to report on and judge both parties, because the majority of the media is completely and unabashedly beholden to the Democrats.

Looking everywhere from social issues to economic policy to the proliferation of the welfare state, [2] not one area of American life currently reflects the ideals of Dr. King; to judge people on their character, not their race, to work hard and do  for ourselves, to protect the family, to honor God through the practice of our faith.

I believe that this would sadden Dr. King greatly, because he was a staunch believer in hard work [3] and he constantly admonished Americans to obey God by honoring their fellow man.

As to the politics of race, as far as America has come, there is still a great distance to be traveled to fully realize Dr. King’s dream of a color blind society.  Dr. King said: “Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them.”  He made this statement, here in America, in the midst of segregation and open hostility between blacks and whites. Racism was an evil force ripping this nation to shreds.

In the midst of that, Dr. King advocated for non violent protests, to stop the violence and bring about a change for the better.  This change, based on the love of freedom, bore the fruit that we all partake of today.  My Facebook friends lists showcases this unity of purpose, with every ethnicity represented, differing political ideologies and religious backgrounds.  This is the case in my everyday life as well.

I do not believe that Dr. King would be pleased with the class warfare and divisive nature of the politics of dividing us into individual subgroups.  Especially not after he gave his life to see us all united and partaking of the bounty of this country.   While an enormous swath of blacks in America have not found success, this isn’t due to racism or oppression by whites.  Racism and bigotry still exist, yet cannot be the reason for the state of the inner cities of this country.  The path to prosperity is time proven and simple.   If a black person waits to have children until after they have finished high school and married, their chance of ending up in poverty is 3%.   This statistic proves that the mantle of personal responsibility must be assumed on an individual basis in order for lasting major change to occur for blacks.

Moving forward into 2013 and beyond I hope and pray in faith for a return to what I term the “Attitude of Dr. King”.  We do not take by force what another has earned by the sweat of their own brow, no.  We make our own knowing that hard work and perseverance yield the fruits of success and sufficiency.  And for those that have found success, we give back of our own free will, knowing that giving improves both the life of the giver and the one that receives.

Happy Birthday Dr. King;  and thank you, for as far as we have yet to go on the journey to a colorblind society,  we are grateful for the tough times already conquered.