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Planned unParenthood Marks 96th B-day w/ 6 Mill Abortions #PROLife

What’s so sickening about this is the response from Liberals: those weren’t babies, those were a woman’s choice.  That’s a straight up crock of bull.

Via LifeNews.com:

Planned Parenthood marks its 96th birthday today and one leading pro-life activists who has been a watchdog of the abortion business for decades estimates Planned Parenthood has denied 6 million unborn children birthdays of their own.

“In 2010, Planned Parenthood did 27 percent of all the abortions in the United States. It has ended the lives of over 6,000,000 human beings in its own facilities since 1970. And, during that same time, it collected over $6 billion in taxpayer money,” says  [1]Jim Sedlak of American Life League.

[2]Sedlak says Planned Parenthood has a history of preying on black Americans.

“Planned Parenthood Federation of America dates its beginning to Oct. 16, 1916, when Margaret Sanger opened the nation’s first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York,” he explained. “Sanger had three basic philosophies that are still active within Planned Parenthood today.

One of those was a passion to prevent the birth of “defectives,” which Sedlak says led to her stating in her 1932 Plan for Peace that persons from “dysgenic groups” should be given their choice of sterilization or confinement on a farm for the rest of their lives. Sanger was a member of the American Eugenics Society.

“Planned Parenthood does not make public the race of its abortion clients anymore. In the 1990s, it revealed that 43 percent of its abortions were on blacks and other minorities – who only made up 22 percent of the population,” he explained.

Today, looking at the most recent figures from Planned Parenthood, it did 329,445 abortions in 2010 while it provided prenatal care to only 31,098 women and referred only 841 women to adoption agencies.

So watch this video made in response to the Hollywood Dingbats:

Here’s the transcript:

The following is text of the ad:

I want to talk to you about women …

Hollywood women.

You know, the ones with the personal stylists, a three-bedroom wardrobe, and so into themselves they actually think they speak for all women.

In a recent ad, some of them tried to scare women by saying that Romney wants to “overturn” Roe v. Wade.

Have they ever heard of the separation of powers?  Presidents don’t overturn Supreme Court cases.

But I’ll tell you what they can do.  They can make sure these Hollywood elitists don’t succeed in making those of us who actually value human life, including the unborn, pay for another woman’s abortion.

Talk about invasive. …

[TEXT] Vote your conscience.

[TEXT] Do not let Hollywood manipulate your vote!

[TEXT] This message brought to you by Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee,www.cwalac.org