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Jeremiah Wright is back and this time we should pay attention…

Mainstream Media Hard at Work
Mainstream Media Hard at Work (Photo credit: wstera2)

The mainstream media was killing stories on this guy [1] back in 2008 because they knew that if Americans took a close look at Wright and his ideology, they would certainly be less than enthused with his chief protege Barack Obama.  Now, it’s election season and images of him are in the forefront again.  As well they should be, considering his absolute allegiance to Black Liberation Theology [2] and hate of America.

Under no circumstances would any other person countenance a Pastor damning this country and using profanity from the pulpit while standing underneath a cross!  Yet that is exactly what President Obama did, seated next to Michelle, in a congregation of almost 9,000.

Via Mr. Smith Media: [3]

As is my way, I plan to expose any and all information on him, because it reflects upon President Obama.   Keep it real, if Romney had ever sat under sermons as incendiary as Rev. Wrights, the media would never let it go.  Romney has come under fire for his Mormonism even though he doesn’t subscribe to the parts of his religion they are attacking him on.  Double standard much mainstream media?