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Empty Chair on Piers Morgan means WHAT?

Tonight on Piers Morgan an empty chair sat where the host said Todd Akin was scheduled to be.  It is unclear whether an interview was confirmed.  There was confusion as to tonights piers morgan line up. As reports from Akin campaign said he was not scheduled for an appearance.  Either way this isn’t a good move for an embattled candidate trying to deflect a serious misstep made over the weekend on tv [1]Image [2].

Earlier, Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill was scheduled to appear on the show but canceled, Morgan said. Then, he said, Akin did the same, “at the last possible moment, leaving us and you looking at an empty chair. It’s a very nice empty chair, but it remains an empty chair.”

Morgan then extended an open invitation to the candidate:

Congressman, you have an open invitation to join me in that chair whenever you feel up to it. Because if you don’t keep your promise to appear on the show, then you are, what we would call in Britain, a gutless little twerp.

He digressed, turning instead to Rep. Jan Schakowsky, who said, Akin and Paul Ryan “like two peas in a pod, have endorsed the same legislation, that would limit women’s rights to access to contraception. That would make even rape and incest not reasons for having an abortion.”

Really!  I have no words….