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TV Media Training at #RO12

The Learning Institute had a training session today and it was truly informative.

Here are the highlights.  In radio and tv you don’t know how long your interview will be. So keep the following in mind.

Main Message: This is what you want to say no matter what

Bottom LIne: this is the first answer regardless of the question


  1. You never know how many questions you will get.  
  2. Directs the hosts questions
  3. Background information – this is the lead up to the main message. Have this prepared and ready. 
  4. Have a ten second background statement ready in case the host doesn’t set you up

Use examples and statistics

  1. Localize: Get local with your facts and touch your listeners with numbers that apply to real people.
  2. Personalize: Use personal facts if you can. It humanizes your view of the topic
  3. Anticipate the questions you will be asked and have responses ready.

You have the right to:

  1. Decline an interview
  2. Set the schedule: take control of the time. Don’t walk on uncomfortable
  3. Ask questions about the editing, recorded or live, other guests… etc. Is this interview hostile? 


  1. Don’t say: I think, I believe, I feel. Makes you sound weak.
  2. Eliminate filler words.
  3. Don’t predict.
  4. Use 7th grade level grammar. Length of sentences and word choice. Don’t use extremely basic language. 

This is amazing training to receive for free on doing Media Interviews. Many thanks to Learning Institute and American’s For Prosperity for this informative presentation.

