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Watch Tamron Hall Go Nuts | Washington Free Beacon

http://l3cdn.iqmediacorp.com.c.footprint.net/scontent/player/iqmedia_player_resize_cdn.swf?v=1.3 [1]

Give a lady her own show and all professional decorum goes out of the window. I mean who gives a freakin’ hoot if this chick was tougher than Mitt Romney 50 years ago?

By the by, if she was in high school 50 years ago, then she has aged remarkably well, but she’s also Scary Spice on Meth. Tamron Hall has forgotten that any guest is bound to have some opinions of their own.

This story is trending nationally, so head over to Twitter and give as good as she did…

UPDATE: Head on over to El Sooper [3] for a peek at his Heavy Meta t-shirt design…  It’s awesome!
