- Stacy On The Right - https://www.stacyontheright.com -

Life Saturday!

This weekend there are pro life marches across the country.  The March for Life here in St. Louis was held Thursday in Jefferson City.  To commemorate all of this wonderful activity on behalf of the unborn I’m posting this video by the Radiance Foundation.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rix6XHw7IxI?rel=0]

And just in case folks are still operating under the misapprehension that abortion doesn’t hurt women, here is a mega watt hip hop star’s abortion experience.  God bless her for sharing this heartache.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXy36OAp15w?rel=0]

Lots to do for life in 2012!  I’ll catalogue all of it right here…