- Stacy On The Right - https://www.stacyontheright.com -

It’s Follow Friday on twitter townsfolk!

So I’m going to turn you on to some wicked good tweet action! But prepare yourselves friends… You will laugh at these twitter handles and you will. Want. To. Follow.


Bio says: I am OSAMA BIN BAGGINS, the great Hobbit Terrorist of the Tea Party. Fear Me. And fix America. www.teaist.org [1]


Bio says: I took the initiative in creating the internet. Invented global warming aka climate change. Does anyone know of a good massage therapist?


Bio: ER doc, rancher, conservative AND I can shoot the wings off a fly at 200 yards.


bio: Young working mom, military wife, recovering liberal. I don’t tow the Republican line. Self reliance, smaller government, enlightened citizens.


Bio says: This is a PC FREE Zone! If you call a war a kinetic military operation… Keep on trucking! I would hate to expose you for the idiot that you are!!!

I could go on and on, but it’s late! So follow me on twitter @StacyOnTheRight
